Sian T. portrait & business photography

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3 easy tips for great business photos for your website and social media

You’ve got an awesome product, you've got a website, a social media plan and the passion to get your product to the customers that need it.

BUT there's something missing!

Ok you know you need great photos, but you’re probably spending way too long trying to get them and it’s all a bit random and bewildering. Follow my three simple tips for better business photos, and you can save time and create a strong identity for your product through photography.

Siân's Top Tips for better business photos

  1. Background

White backgrounds might be necessary for product photos but everyone has them. A signature background for your product shots, that aligns to your brand style will help people recognise your product over others.

Think about the sort of surface that will show off your product and help you stand out. Then stick to it! Don’t be tempted to keep changing it. All your core product images should be consistent and clearly identifiable.

2. People

Pictures of objects are useful and people need to see what you sell.

But lifestyle pictures of people enjoying those products, make the difference between someone buying your product and a similar one from someone else. Unless your product is totally unique in the marketplace, you will be competing for attention with others making similar products and so you need to think about selling the experience of the product, the feeling of it, the difference it makes to the life of your customer.

This is particularly important for social media and for website home pages. Think about what the customer wants from the experience of your product and photograph that.

3. Variety

A good range of images showing details, products in use and collections of items as flatlays gives your social media interest and prevents people becoming bored and switching off.

I know this sounds like it contradicts number one above but that’s for your core brand and product images. This is for your social media as well as magazine and other print adverts where they want something ‘more’ than a basic product shot.

You can create variety while still maintaining a core brand style. Keep your colour scheme and overall style the same, but vary the shots to create interest.

For example, if your core product shots are bright and crisp with white backgrounds, look for homes with all white decor to make shots of people using your products. If your brand is all about warm woods and natural materials, consider making some detail shots outside in a woodland area,

With these three simple principles; consistency of background for core product shots, including people enjoying your product, and creating variety while staying on brand - you can dramatically improve your brand’s photographic identity and reassure customers that you’re the right choice for them.

Spend your valuable time getting shots that will enhance your brand using these three tips for better business photography - it’s a no brainer!

Need help with actual photography part?

Give me a call on 07816 585405 to chat about professional photography for your business